Greater First Baptist exists to advance and promote the kingdon of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We believe that God's spirit is working through us to teach the revealed word of God, to preach the Gospel, to train believers for spiritual growth and Christian development with the result of Christian witnessing. We are very serious when we say, "whosoever will is welcome in God's House."
We strongly believe that LOVE is the sign of Christ's presence. Jesus says, People will know that you are my followers by the LOVE you show one another" (John 13:35). Our goal is LOVE. We intently express acts of LOVE in worship, Bible Studies, and various ministries. We constantly ask God to use our church to be a light of LOVE to both the church and community.
We invite you to tour our website to seek information about our church family, various ministries, and other church and community activities.
We strongly believe that LOVE is the sign of Christ's presence. Jesus says, People will know that you are my followers by the LOVE you show one another" (John 13:35). Our goal is LOVE. We intently express acts of LOVE in worship, Bible Studies, and various ministries. We constantly ask God to use our church to be a light of LOVE to both the church and community.
We invite you to tour our website to seek information about our church family, various ministries, and other church and community activities.
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